Quilting fun for family and friends!

Tuesday 30 July 2024

Summer Fun

Hello and happy July! I have spent 2 weeks camping, a little in the rain but mostly sunny. So fun!!

I finished up this baby quilt for my co-worker Matt and his baby Jake. Jake is so cute!! I Love Babies!

I am loving my hydrangea this year. So super vibrant! You can just see how the lobelia are matching. Oh I love driving up to the house and seeing this splash of colour.

I had a visitor to my greenhouse. I have not seen him before or since. I must say it makes me a bit skittish to go pick my tomatoes. I think it may be a Wandering Salamander but I could be incorrect. Do you see him? Blends right in until he moves.

The blackberries are almost ready! I'm so excited! And there are tons!!

They are still on the tart side, soon they will be ready.

Friday 24 March 2023

Happy Spring Equinox!

 Spring is here! And so is the long grass that is too wet to cut.

The yard looks a little derelict, however, it is 10 degrees today! And sunny! The tulips are coming up and the kale overwintered.

This is almost a quilt top. I must say this fabric is so fun!

Thursday 2 February 2023

Baby Rail

Happy February!

It is done! Baby Rails for my coworker and his new little one, Ben. Quilted with wavy lines in a hatching pattern 2 inches apart, or following the grid lines.

I love making baby quilts and the colours are amazing, all my favourites. 

Next up 2 girl quilt!

Wednesday 4 January 2023

January - A clean slate

I love New Years! As Lucy Maud Montgomery says in Anne of Green Gables 

Life is worth living as long as there’s a laugh in it.

Because when you are imagining, you might as well imagine something worth while.

Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it… yet.

Love the clean slate idea. So the question of the month/year is what do I want to accomplish this year. Top of the list is to get healthy! I am doing the eat right and go for a walk a day plan. I will let you know how that works. 

On the quilting front I have a lot, I mean really a lot of fabric. I had forgotten how much, yikes.

1. Make a couple of big girl quilts as my granddaughters are moving into twin beds. I have the fabric for these

2. Finish off my grandsons quilts - I have 2 to finish. The blocks are made just have to find them

3. I bought material for Christmas Quilts but did not start them - 3 to make

4. For the win, boy quilts - I need 2 I think

5. I need a girl quilt for next week, oops - not sure how that slipped through.

6. As I was looking for fabric to take a picture of I found 3 I Spy Quilts and 1 Halloween Quilt - let's add them to the list.

7. Not sure I want to add any WIP's but I have a Tula Pink quilt I need to put together.

8. Miscellaneous Bee Blocks

Let the New Year's Fun begin!!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Oh how I love Christmas! The decorations, the lights, the music and the food. It is January and I gained 5 pounds in December. This is so not good! I used to put greenery along the top of the counters but now I don't want to move my fabric stash!

Ate way too much of the above. But oh so fun. 

I finished the last 2 of the niece /nephew quilts. I love them! Kaffe Fassett and his fabrics are my favourite. I have been creating with these fabrics since I took up quilting 12 years ago and they still are a pleasure to work with.

Quilted by my fabulous cousin! She does the best job.

I went to France this fall and somehow stumbled upon Burrata. Well who knew it would become my new favourite thing!! However I had the beautiful fabulous one first, if I had had the 2nd not so great one first I am not sure there would have been a number 2. The first one tasted like the tomatoes had just been picked off the vine! So. Good!

Oh and they were the same price.

Monday 5 December 2022

Baby Quilt Hugs and Kisses

I loved making this so much I made 2 of them. I was having one of those slump times and nothing was good enough or caused enough excitement that I wanted to continue making them. Then I had to clean up for Christmas and misplaced all the baby quilts I had started. What a fabulous excuse to go shopping!

The back of this quilt is so cute!! I have a love of elephants.
Still on my health kick. Green smoothie for the win!!
One quilt for my daughters friend and one quilt for a work mate.

Tuesday 2 August 2022

Hello August!

 And just where did April to July go?

Just completed a baby quilt for my dear friends first grandchild. I am so happy for their family. I was not a fan of this quilt until it was finished. Love this bright cheerful quilt. And love me a striped binding!

I have had surgery on my neck. From that little spot to 50 stitches. Mind you they were very small stitches. We have a fabulous MOHS team here in Vancouver. I was so very fortunate to get my surgery so quickly.

With the health scare I started eating wild fruits and plants. Starting in the spring with salmon berries and thistle. Soon will be blackberry season!! My favourite.

In the garden we have been enjoying raspberries, peas, strawberries and black currants. I have been using the fresh fruit in my Kambucha, whcih I have also started making for its prebiotic properties.
I am very grateful for my abundant life!!