Tuesday, 2 August 2022

Hello August!

 And just where did April to July go?

Just completed a baby quilt for my dear friends first grandchild. I am so happy for their family. I was not a fan of this quilt until it was finished. Love this bright cheerful quilt. And love me a striped binding!

I have had surgery on my neck. From that little spot to 50 stitches. Mind you they were very small stitches. We have a fabulous MOHS team here in Vancouver. I was so very fortunate to get my surgery so quickly.

With the health scare I started eating wild fruits and plants. Starting in the spring with salmon berries and thistle. Soon will be blackberry season!! My favourite.

In the garden we have been enjoying raspberries, peas, strawberries and black currants. I have been using the fresh fruit in my Kambucha, whcih I have also started making for its prebiotic properties.
I am very grateful for my abundant life!!

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