Wednesday, 23 August 2017

An Oldie

This is my oldest WIP! Yahoo! Done! And I still like it!
This is my litany of excuses. When I first moved down to North Vancouver I took a quilting class on Diamonds. I had the sewing machine but no stash or anything. My ruler did not have the angle required, it was mismarked. and rather than buy a new ruler (who knew that 15 years later I would have dozens of rules), I choose to borrow one off and on. This does not work!
Also I made it a queen size rather than the throw suggested. Well that is daunting. Really I need quick finishes. I worked on this off and on for a couple of years. More off than on. The women I took the class with finished 4 quilts and said she would finish mine. Why did I not take her up on it?
I did find the binding in my stash. If I bought some at the time I do not know where it went. I feel like I bought enough stripe to also be the binding, but I cannot even find the box of leftovers. I had it in my hand and then pouf, gone.
This was the last quilt I started/worked on until my granddaughter came along 6 years ago. Something about little babies! I had to make her a quilt.  And I am so glad I did. It has been my solace, my rock, my constant place, and a huge joy.
And when I watch TV I do not feel guilty because I am also quilting!!!
Not sure I can count this as out of my stash. But I can definitely count it as off my WIP pile!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love how the floral prints blend together. So pretty! We gotta put the grands' quilts ahead of our own, right? At least is finished and you can enjoy it. Well done!
